Please follow the below steps for export into Omniverse.
Import target rig, make sure its translation is 0, 0, 0
Open retargeting window
Select the corresponding Skeleton in the Animation Retargeting window
In the Animation Retargeting window: Add Tag > Custom. Rename it to "Pelvis" and select the Hips/Pelvis joint from the dropdown list
Click the "Run" button
Drag and drop the MOVE animation into the viewport and repeat 1-5 steps for the imported MOVE Skeleton
Right-click on the animation attached to the imported MOVE rig. Its type is SkelAnimation and it is usually named "urdf_fbxAction"
Add > Animation > Skeletal Binding
Go to the "Property" window and then "+ Add Target..." > Select the Skeleton of the MOVE rig and click "Select"
Open Sequencer: Window > Animation > Sequencer
Drag and drop the Skeleton of your target rig into the sequencer
Go to the "Property" window and then under the "Animation Bindings" right to the "Animation" click "+ Add Target..."
Select MOVE rig's animation "urdf_fbxAction"
Open Window > Animation > Timeline and adjust the end frame
Adjust the animation length in the Sequencer