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Renaming files
Updated over a month ago

When uploading to the platform, it's important to make sure your videos follow the correct naming convention. This will enable the system to distinguish the footage from each camera being uploaded to the session.

If you are using the batch upload feature in the platform, you will be required to rename your shoot files into a specific format. This can be done by using the File Management Software.

You can download the tool from this link (Supported on Windows only)

Before running the application, you need to make sure that the following steps have been taken.

  1. All files have been separated into individual folders with respect to the camera they were recorded on; cam01, cam02, cam03 and so on. This naming convention is essential.

    1. Please note - Folders must be named exactly as shown above. If this format is not used, files may not upload, or be accepted by the system.

  2. Each camera folder contains the same amount of files (so you know each file matches across the different camera folders)

  3. A .txt file called take_names.txt should be created, containing the names of each take in the same order as they appear in the camera folder.

    1. Calibration_01

    2. Running_01

    3. Jumping_01

    4. Jumping_02

  4. The .txt file should be located in the parent folder where the camera folders are located, for example;

    1. Test_Shoot_Footage

      1. Cam01

      2. Cam02

      3. Cam03

      4. Cam04

      5. take_names.txt

Using the tool

Now that you have organised your files for renaming, using the File Management System software to rename the files is simple;

  1. Download the tool from the .zip below and extract it.

  2. Open the application

  3. Select the Select videos folder button

  4. Choose the parent folder containing all individual camera folders and the take_names.txt file. You will now see the original file names and what the application will rename them to.

  5. Select Rename files and this will instantly rename all of your shoot footage to your chosen take names.

  6. Close the application and check your parent folder.

  7. Upload your footage!

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