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iOS App - Connectivity Problems
Updated over a year ago


The Motion Capture iOS app allows users to connect multiple iOS devices to create an array of cameras controlled by a host, in order to record their motion from multiple angles simultaneously. This footage is then passed through the Cloud Pipeline to extract the 3D animation data.

The standard workflow of the app requires the devices to communicate over a wireless network, however it has been found that environments with large amounts of interference (either caused by a large volume of wireless devices, or a network with heavy traffic) can experience connectivity issues. In these scenarios, it is recommended to use a wired network to connect the phones, to prevent interference from any other devices during the Motion Capture session. There are three alternative workflows to use, recommended in the following order:

  1. Disconnecting from public WiFi.

  2. Connecting via a wired, online network.

  3. Connecting via a wired, offline network.

Using the app

Upon launch of the app, the user is presented with two options:

  1. Sign in - This is required on the device that will act as the host, in order for it to communicate with the respective account on the cloud platform.

    • Once signed in, the user can choose the option to host a session and begin searching for nearby cameras.

  2. Join as camera - This can be chosen on the devices that will act as a camera. They will communicate with the cloud platform via the host device, and so they do not need to sign in.

Once the user has chosen the role of each device (host or camera), the devices will begin to search for each other. The app can communicate via a few different infrastructures, and will work through the following order of priority:

  1. Shared public WiFi - The devices will communicate over a common public WiFi.

  2. Local wireless network - The devices will create a custom local network via a combination of WiFi and Bluetooth (so make sure these are enabled).

  3. Local wired network - The devices will communicate via the shared local network, without the need for WiFi or Bluetooth (so these should be disabled) and airplane mode should be enabled.

If you experience any connectivity issues between the devices, please check they are all running the same version of the iOS app. If issues persist, please use the workflows outlined below, using alternative connection workflows!

Wireless Networks:

This is the standard workflow for the app and does not require anything different from usual.

Alternative workflow 1 (Offline):
If you experience any connectivity issues whilst using the app, please try disconnecting from public WiFi once you’ve signed in, by swiping down from the top right corner of the screen to open the control centre. Here you can change the status of WiFi from Searching (blue), to Not Searching (Grey). It is important that you do not disable WiFi entirely in the settings app, as this will prevent the app from creating its own local wireless network. As this workflow is offline, the project and session will need to be created manually on the platform, as outlined below.

If you still encounter connectivity issues, please use the below workflows.

Wired Networks:

In cases where interference is experienced, a router/switch can be used to allow the phones to communicate via a wired connection. In any wired setup, Airplane mode should be enabled, and WiFi and Bluetooth should be disabled in the settings (not just in the control centre). Any router can be used, and if more ports are needed, you can tether multiple routers together by using the LAN ports. It is recommended to use a router dedicated to this setup, not connected to any other devices as this may be the source of the interference.

You will need:

With Internet Access (Online) - Alternative Workflow 2:

This setup requires the devices to be connected via ethernet to a network with internet access. This can be either from an ISP, or from a SIM card. Once all devices have been plugged in, head to the Ethernet section in the Settings App and check that the IP details have populated. Then, open the app and sign in on the host device. Upon hosting a session, the host will be prompted to turn on Bluetooth, however it is recommended to select the ‘Close’ option on this prompt. Then select Join Session on all camera devices, and they will connect to the host. You can now capture your shoot as usual. At the end of the session, the host can instruct the camera devices to upload to the cloud as usual.

Without Internet Access (Offline) - Alternative Workflow 3:

This setup requires the host to sign in prior to connecting to the router. Then, all devices can be connected via ethernet to a network without internet access. Once all devices have been plugged in, head to the Ethernet section in the Settings App and check that the IP details have populated. Upon creating the session, the host will be prompted to turn on Bluetooth, however it is recommended to select the ‘Close’ option on this prompt. You can now capture your shoot as usual. This setup does not enable uploads, and so this must be done after ending the session when the devices have an active internet connection. However, you can still transfer to host, to allow you to upload all footage later from one device, rather than from each camera device. This can be done by following the instructions below:

Uploading an offline session / Re-uploading a previous session:

When using the app offline, it is unable to communicate with the cloud platform, and so upon creating a project & session in the iOS app, it is unable to retrieve the necessary IDs to understand where to send the footage. Therefore, this process must be done manually by the user, following these instructions:

  1. Open the iOS app on each of the camera devices you’d like to upload footage from.

  2. Open the appropriate Local Session and press and hold at the top of the screen. Here you will see the Project ID, Session ID and Camera number.

  3. Log into the web app on another device.

  4. Click on "Projects" on the sidebar.

  5. Create a Project with the "+Project" button.

  6. Name the project accordingly.


7. Write down the number found at the end of the project URL.

8. This number needs to be inputted into the "project number" box on the iPhone.

9. Create a Session with the "+Session" button.

10. Input the appropriate settings for your session.

11. Click "Save Session"

12. Write down the number found at the end of the session URL.

13. This number needs to be inputted into the "session number" box on the iPhone.

14. After the camera numbers are inputted, press "Save".

15. Return to the home screen of the app to apply your changes, then re-open the local session.
16. Press "Re-upload files".

17. The files will begin to upload to the web app.

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