Processing Your Action Takes
Updated over a week ago

Processing your action takes:

  1. Click the ‘+ Take’ button to create a new calibration

  2. Select the videos to be used - if the files are named consistently, you’ll only need to select it on one camera, and the system will select the same videos from the other cameras (they will highlight green)

  3. Watch the video and note down the following timestamps:

    1. The time the actor begins clapping (if you videos are not already sync’d)

    2. The time the actor finishes clapping (if you videos are not already sync’d)

    3. The time the actor begins the T-pose

    4. The time the actor finishes the movement sequence​ - this can be no more than 5 minutes after they begin.

  4. Click ‘Save’

  5. Confirm the correct files are selected

  6. Give your scene a name

  7. Give your action take a name, by default it will use the file name

  8. Choose the number of actors present in your animation

  9. Optionally select a prop (football) if used.

    1. Alternative balls may be used, but they ball must be spherical, bounce like a soccer ball, be of similar size and be of good contrast to the environment.

  10. ‘Autosync videos’ - This feature should be enabled if you are using the claps to synchronize your footage. If your footage is already synchronized you can disable this feature.

    1. Enter the times you noted down - when the actor begins and finishes the clapping.​

  11. ‘Process entire video’ - This feature should be disabled, unless you have trimmed your videos to contain only the Y-pose sequence & have used synchronized cameras.

    1. Enter the times you noted down - when the actor begins and finishes the T-pose sequence.​

    2. The time between the start and end can be no longer than 5 minutes apart.

  12. Click ‘Save’

  13. Enterprise users have the option to apply an Actor Profile

  14. Select the calibration to be used for this action take.

  15. Toggle finger tracking on/off

  16. Select the rig you’d like to use - You can upload and map your own rigs on the platform to do basic retargeting automatically, or choose the Move_Mo or Move_Ve rigs.

  17. Click ‘Run’

When they've finished processing, take a look and check your action takes to see if everything's correct and then export your mocap!

The processed data:

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