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Web app - output formats

What file types can you output?

Updated over a year ago

We have a few types:

FBX Pre-Retargeted

This is the raw extracted data of the actual performers' skeletons

FBX Retargeted

This is the performance data retargeted to the skeleton of your mapped rig

The Blender File:

This is the raw skeleton, the mesh and retargeted skeleton within one file

  • Blender Mocap is the richest data output.

  • The motion capture in this file will be targeted to the chosen rig.

The Maya HIK File

This outputs your rig with your uploaded Maya HIK controllers applied.

For further details, take a look at the using your data section of the knowledge base.

MAYA HIK Pre-Retarget:

  • Maya HIK is the animation retargeted to HIK

What is MAYA HIK?

Definition from Autodesk:

  • Autodesk® HumanIK® (HIK) animation middleware is a full-body inverse kinematics (IK) solver and retargeter. HumanIK tools in Maya provide a complete character keyframing environment with full body and body part keying and manipulation modes, auxiliary effectors and pivots, and pinning. HumanIK also provides a retargeting engine that lets you easily retarget animation between characters of differing size, proportions and skeletal hierarchy.

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